Department Gynaecology & Obstetric

  • Gynecology &  Obstetric department is well equipped,fully furnished department,having separate demonstration room,museum separate staff room,H.O.D room with vivid display of charts and gynecological instruments,specimens and models which are helpful is easier and better understanding to the students.
  • Museum of this departments has a sufficient number of collections of specimens.
  • Departmental library of department has ** books of various and renowned author for reference purpose of teaching Faculties.
  • This department also provides well equipped labor room with all facilities.
  • Students take cases and present individual discussion about diagnosis,premedical management.Prognosis of the cases is discussed with other students.
  • Power point presentations and videos of normal and abnormal deliveries are demonstrated through dummy doll and pelvis.
  • Gynecology department will conduct weekly tests,seminars,tutorials and all other activities regularly.
  • Five beds are reserved for gynac case.
  • Qualified & experience staff are available in this department as per C.C.H. norms.